You will be required to research and write a systematic literature review protocol (research project) of (2,500 words). You are required to complete and submit your research proposal and online via turnitin by 18:00 on the 14th of March 2022. No paper copies are required. You may expect your work to be returned to you with feedback within ten working days after the deadline. Any change to this timeframe will be communicated to you in advance.
Assessment & Marking Guidance
For this assignment you are asked to produce a research protocol for a systematic literature review. The research protocol should follow the guidance given below. As guidance, the proposal should be 2,500 words (-+10%). Extreme deviations from the recommended word count may incur a penalty. The protocols will be marked against the criteria as given below. You should cover all of the points as set out under each heading.
The following template is designed to assist you in producing your research protocol. A good proposal should address or provide information on each of the elements outlined below. Research protocol should be written clearly and in such a way that an intelligent layperson can understand the principles involved. Any complex issues or technical terminology should be clarified for the benefit of the markers. The project proposal must offer enough information to clarify the project aims and methods, but not too much unnecessary or repetitive material. The proposal should demonstrate that the researcher fully understands the issues associated with the use of the proposed methods (for reviewing the literature).
Project Identification & Rationale (25 marks)
- A succinct and clear project title -full title, short title and/project nickname or acronym
- A clear statement of the research issue under investigation which specifies the research question or questions
– A short initial statement that makes the focus of the research clear - Some justification of the need for research to be conducted on this topic (explain if the research will fill a gap or meet a need) it might add to knowledge, deliver productive outcomes or add value for policy and/or practice
- At least three key references should be used, and a short critique provided of how they relate to the topic
- Some discussion of existing information on the topic (at this stage a brief outline of the current state of knowledge) further justification of the need for this research and which will be expanded later in the full protocol
- An explanation of why the research needs to be conducted in the chosen setting(s)- in particular, why the proposed subjects and/or setting are needed for this research
Preliminary Literature review (25 marks)
- An adequate review of the existing literature or previous research
- Link the aims and objectives of the project to previous literature
- Contains an element of originality.
Methodology (25 marks)
- An outline of and a rationale for the research approach taken.
- Details of the systematic literature review method to be employed, including inclusion and exclusion criteria, keywords using Boolean operator, quality assessment tools, etc.
- Any difficulties associated with the use of the method(s) proposed are addressed by the prospective researcher
Research Benefits (15 marks)
An outline of the anticipated benefits of conducting the research. These could be benefits to research to business clients, service users, staff, government (local and national), the research site, the researcher(s) and/or the research organisation. An explanation of any grounds for generalising the research findings beyond the immediate research site, organisation or subject group/population category being studied e.g. regionally, across the UK, and/or internationally.
Project Management & Timetable (10 marks)
A clear outline of the project timetable noting key stages in the project such as:
- Anticipated start and completion dates
- Period of desk research and literature reviewing
- The time set aside for the production of final report
- Any anticipated obstacles to completing on schedule. –
Insert GANTTand/or PERTcharts or, at least, a simple tabulated timetable with the above items included showing awareness of the anticipated time needed to accomplish the given tasks.
An outline of your responsibilities involved in the conduct of the research. A clear specification of the project deliverables (e.g. dates when project deliverables are due) This must be consistent with and match the timetable included earlier.
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