Privacy Threats

Explain RFID and describe the components of RFID systems. Include in your discussion some of various RFID security and privacy threats.

Discuss the different types of attacks launched against USB devices and countermeasure users can take to protect their devices.

Question 2

Answer the following questions:

Differentiate between acts of cyber-espionage from simple criminal acts or an act of hacktevism? Provide detailed examples. 250 – 350 word response.

Question 3

1)Describe in detail a problem of interest where the information technology can serve as solution? Include a problem domain (e.g, cybersecurity or healthcare ) and write a complete argumentative essay that shows the importance of the problem?

2) Explain, how can database management system (DBMS) solve this problem?

3) Outline the task(s) for each team member?

-please make argumentative essay simple as much as you can because the professor will ask me about like the last time.

Question 4

Answer the following questions:

Differentiate between acts of cyber-espionage from simple criminal acts or an act of hacktevism? Provide detailed examples. 250 – 350 word response.


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