Prevention Through Design



Prevention through Design (PtD) is a new approach that the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is promoting to eliminate or control risks associated with hazards in the workplace. Summarize how you believe PtD could be used to reduce risks associated with two or three occupational hazards with which you are familiar.

Your journal entry must be at least 200 words in length. No references or citations are necessary

Unit IV Case Study


Using the CSU Online Library, locate one or more articles that give detailed information (at least four pages in length) about a fire in either a hotel or a high-rise office building. Your case study should cover the topics listed below.

  • What were the main factors that caused the fire?
  • Were there any design flaws in the building that contributed either to the start of the fire or the growth of the fire in size?
  • Were there issues with the building design that hindered the fire response?
  • How could a thorough hazard analysis, as a part of the Prevention through Design (PtD) process, have helped eliminate hazards in the structure?
  • How could PtD have been used to either prevent the fire from occurring or reduce the severity of the outcome?
  • Explain where PtD should be used in the design process to prevent this type of incident from happening again.

Introduction – Occupational Safety & Health (Graduate) – Lib Guides at Columbia Southern University

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