Scenario: You are a middle manager for a retail company. There are 8 employees who report to you, two full-time and six part-time. Employees work various shift schedules including day, evening, and weekend hours. The pay scale is low; at or slightly above minimum wage. There have been issues of lack of motivation and productivity in your department lately. Some of the issues include employee tardiness, negative attitudes, and overall decreased production. As a manager, you want to decrease negative attitudes and increase productivity. Address these points in your paper.
Summarize the four positions of power.
Choose two of the power techniques. How would you use them to positively influence motivation and productivity for your team?
How would you balance politics with influencing employees?
Summarize how you would implement such change while maintaining the overall vision of the department.
Your paper should be 2-3 pages plus a title page and reference page. Follow APA format.
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