Overview: Students will review national healthcare aim/objectives and link to their role as nurse practitioners to improve health outcomes in specific populations/groups.
- Students will self-select into teams of 6-8 members to work on this assignment. Students must be in the same section with the same primary faculty.
- Use these links to research/guide your project
- Select a population of interest: Children, Adolescents, Adults, or Older Adults.
- Determine a specific age range or sex. Example: Adolescents 12-19
- Select one specific area of interest from these quality improvement & performance measures
- Review and summarize current evidence-based literature (within past 5 years) – Consider using CINAHL, PubMed, agency websites
- Summarize findings based on the following sub-topics
- Burden of the Problem in the Specific Population – consider such things as incidence, prevalence, mortality, associated costs, etc.
- Barriers and Challenges – consider health beliefs, culture, determinants of health, etc.
- Solutions to Current Challenges – these must be evidence-based solutions – what has been done before to improve outcomes – provide specific data of improvement.
- – identify specific performance and QI measures with data to support
- Future Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice – How does this affect advance nursing practice providers and the goal to improve patient outcomes.
Specific Instructions:
- Team members must work together to create a PowerPoint presentation
- All members of each team must perform the role of presenter.
- Each team is allowed a maximum of 20 mins for the presentations. Presentations over 20 minutes will result in a loss of points (see rubric). At least 2-3 minutes must be reserved for questions at the end of the team presentation.
- Presentation slides must follow APA 7th format
- References may be single spaced but in APA format on final reference slide(s).
- The PowerPoint presentation must be uploaded to canvas prior to the group presentation.
Criteria | Points | Total |
Presentation integrates course concepts & is well supported by evidence-based guidelines and competencies for specific population groups | 20 | |
Presentation clearly outlines the following areas: (10 pts each) Burden of the Problem Barriers and ChallengesSolutions to Current ChallengesPerformance Measures and QIFuture Implications for Advanced Nursing Practice | 50 | |
Presentation is cohesive, organized, scholarly and specific to goals established for the assignment | 10 | |
All members of each team must perform the role of presenter | 5 | |
Presentation is APA format including a cover slide, presentation slides, and reference slide(s) (up to 10pts)Completed within allotted time of 20 minutes (5 pts) | 15 | |
Total Points | 100 |
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