Population Centered Health in the Community

A Signature Assignmentis designated for each course and is placed near or at the end of an academic term.
This assignment carries the most weighted value when determining a student’s final course grade. The
student must earn a minimum of 78% on the Signature Assignment. This means that a student with an
overall passing grade can still fail the course if the Signature Assignment is assessed at less than a weighted
value of 78%.
The Community Assessment is worth 100 points and is 40% of the final course grade.
Purpose of the Community Assessment Assignment:
Community health nursing recognizes the community as client. Thus, the practice of community health
nursing is based on the assessment of the community. From this assessment, the nurse identifies health
problems of significance to the community. Through analysis of the community assessment and in
collaboration with community stakeholders, the nurse helps to develop a plan for interventions and
evaluation. You may use your windshield survey as the basis for assessment, gathering data about the
community you have chosen to assess.
For this assignment, you will 1) conduct an in-depth assessment of a community, 2) identify, explore, and
evaluate available community resources, 3) develop an appropriate and realistic plan of care targeted at
addressing identified health problems, and 4) identify evaluative measures.
Read the Community Assessment Grading Rubric provided below. Pay close attention to the Epidemiologic
Model (pp. 233-238) of your textbook.
Please follow the guidelines and rubric attached.
Write a formal report, using APA 7th edition format. This should be written as a paper, not as a Q&A based
on questions or rubric sections. Create a visual image in your reader’s mind of the community you are
describing. Submit your paper viaCanvas by the due date.
 United States Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/
 Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (state health statistics): http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr
 National Center for Health Statistics: http://cdc.gov/nchs
 Healthy People 2030: http://www.healthypeople.gov
 State Health Facts Online (Kaiser Family Foundation): http://www.statehealthfacts.kff.org
Note: Communication is an integral part of a professional career. In an effort to promote better written
communication skills, students are strongly urged to seek assistance from the NKU Writing Center.
Guidelines for Community Assessment Paper

  1. Introduction:
    The beginning of your paper should catch the reader’s attention with interesting facts about your
    community. It should also include the purpose statement of the paper (1 paragraph).
  2. Community Overview:
    Identify the community that you assessed in your Windshield Survey. Provide a general description of the
    community. Summarize the main findings from windshield survey and demographic assessment:
     Demographics: who are the people that live there?
     The environment: what is the appearance and atmosphere of the area?
     Resources: what services are in evidence?
     Boundaries: geographic boundaries, geopolitical boundaries such as city or county lines. Be as
    specific as possible. (2 paragraphs)
  3. Data Analysis:
    Collect and analyze primary and secondary data. These include:
     morbidity and mortality rates
     health assets and challenges
     top 4 health conditions identified in your research
    **If data is unavailable for your chosen community, then locate data for the county and/or state.
  4. Problem Identification and Prioritization:
    Apply the social determinants of health (SDOH) to 2 of the health conditions you identified. You can then
    identify which health and SDOH issues overlap in a community and use this information when planning
    public health promotion, prevention, treatment, and management strategies.
    Identify 2 community health nursing diagnosis based on these conditions.
  5. A plan for intervention(s) which addresses 1 health problem is described.
    Suggest and intervention plan for one of the two health conditions. Community health nursing
    interventions typically focus on prevention of illness with health promotion interventions. After performing
    a community assessment, identifying priority problems, and establishing health goals and outcomes, the
    nurse integrates knowledge of health disorders. This plan must be feasible for a community health nurse
    and must be supported by evidence-based practice from health literature.
    **3 peer reviewed journal articles from the previous 5 years must be utilized to describe the plan for
    Example: The nurse will provide education and materials regarding evidence-based screening practices for
    substance use disorder in local clinics.
  6. Evaluation Plan:
    Include a generalized plan for how the outcomes of your suggested intervention could be evaluated or
  7. Conclusion:
    Provide a brief conclusion, which is a summary of your paper and experience.
  8. APA/Writing
    The paper will be written in APA format (7th ed.), using font size 12, one-inch margins, section headings,
    and page numbers. Content headings from the rubric will be used. Title page, in-text citations, and
    references are to be correctly formatted. The document should read smoothly as a whole without
    unnecessary repetition.

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