Popular Culture and Science

Question 1

If you were to do an Internet search of the word Frankenstein, you would get over 13 million results, most of which do not refer to Mary Shelley’s novel. Frankenstein, the monster, has been the star of numerous films, and the term “a Frankenstein” indicates the potential result of any sort of controversial scientific experiment.

Write a five-paragraph essay analyzing the influence Frankenstein has had in popular culture and science. The first paragraph should include an attention getter and your thesis statement. The three body paragraphs should explore specific examples of “Frankenstein” in popular culture and/or science. The final paragraph should be an overall conclusion with a restatement of the thesis.

(They only have be be 4 sentence paragraphs)

Question 2

It is often claimed that smoking causes cancer. This is usually presented as a reason why people should either give up smoking, or else not start smoking. It is sometimes combined with other claims about smoking, such as that it is expensive or that it will lead to the deterioration of one’s looks.

What sort of argument would claim that a link exists between smoking and cancer? What would make this a stronger argument? What would weaken it?

What type of argument could this become once other claims are added to it? How would this latter type of argument be assessed?

Would either type of argument prove definitely that one should not smoke? Why or why not?

Write a four-page essay that answers these questions. Be clear to differentiate between the first given argument and the other arguments that you would construct. While a thesis for this essay is not imperative, the essay should include an introduction and conclusion.

-Essay needs to be in APA format.

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