3) Remember that this must be a short essay composed by you in your own word. If you want to cite a passage from a book or paper, you may do so with proper citations, but do not copy and paste from others’ work.
4) The length of this assignment should be around 1,200 words.
Please follow these directions:
1) Visit my website’s collection of political party platforms
2) Choose any election year in the 20th Century and read both the Democratic and Republican Party platforms from that year.
3) Please respond to this question:
“Note the areas of similarity and difference between the two parties’ platforms. In the election year you chose to examine, would you say that observers who claim, “there’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties” are correct? Choose ten different public policy issues from both the domestic policy (choose 5) and foreign policy spheres (choose another 5) and explain the differences between the parties (if any). If there is no difference in the policy issues you choose, explain why you think there is no difference. Give evidence to support your answer.”
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