Question 1
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word response to the following questions:
- What is social disorganization?
- How does social disorganization relate to organized crime and its evolution?
- How well does social disorganization meet the criteria for organized crime and its various relationships? Why? Explain your answer.
- What is the correlation of corrupt political machines and social disorganization to the development of organized crime?
Format your resources consistent with APA guidelines.
Question 2
Research the frozen storage of umbilical cord blood for potential future use and respond to the following:
-Why is this being done?
-Where is this being done (e.g., which countries, which locations – clinics, hospitals, etc)?
-Do you think this is a good idea? Why or why not?
-Do you think it has the potential for widespread use in the future? Explain.
-Time new roman
-size 12
-Double spaced
-No need for quotes or cites within the paper
-NO first person
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