Physical Examination

A 25 y/o white male complains of recurrent episodes of “bloody urine” that lasted for several days in conjunction with URI. He was well until the onset of the symptoms.

On Physical examination (PE), he has marked pallor with slight palpebral edema.

Urinanalysis (UA) showed proteinuria; red cell casts: gross hematuria; increased serum IGA

Imaging and Gross pathology are unapplicable.

Micropathology demonstrated focal glomerulonephritis involving only selected glomeruli with mesangial proliferation and segmental necrosis with crescents IGA deposits as well as some IgG, IgM and C3 on immunofluorescence.

1) Provide four (4) nursing differential diagnoses for this case.

2) Please design a short term care for the patient according to nursing protocols.

3) What would you suggest as a long term care nursing protocols for this patient?

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