You want to ensure your personal computer is set to save data on a daily basis. Using OneDrive® configure a personal computer to save and maintain data.
Configure backup settings as described below, taking screenshots to demonstrate your knowledge:
- Schedule a daily backup to an external physical storage device.
- Schedule a weekly backup to Microsoft® OneDrive®.
Paste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied appropriate configurations and that definitions are current.
Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.
Question 2
The CIO, of the company you chose in Week One, has asked you to create a PowerPoint® informational presentation. The audience for this week’s presentation will be a group of IT Operations employees.
The objectives of this presentation are to:
- Explain why the three most active areas in cyber security are the Internet, mobile technology, and cloud computing.
- Describe the growing use of penetration (pen) testing in many companies.
- Identify what the pen testing process is and how the outcomes should be handled.
- Explain the Six Principles of Information Security Management and why they are important.
Create an 8- to 10-slide PowerPoint® informational presentation, including the following:
- Content for each of the objectives
- Speaker’s notes
- References used to support your presentation, including a minimum of two outside academic references in addition to course textbooks and videos
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