Performance Data

To prepare:

Review the following:

  • The two videos Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: An Instructional Observation Process—Bethel School District, Eugene, Oregon and Data-driven Instruction and Assessment: An Instructional Observation Process—Richland II School District, Columbia, South Carolina for the effects of instructional observations conducted by Nancy Gregory and Rhonda Wolter. These two segments demonstrate how data are collected through instructional observation, both traditional and as a “walk-through.”
  • Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2011f). Data-driven instruction and assessment: An instructional observation process—Bethel School District, Eugene, Oregon [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
  • Video: Laureate Education (Producer). (2011g). Data-driven instruction and assessment: An instructional observation process—Richland II School District, Columbia, South Carolina [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. The videos and data slides from the focus group interviews in the Bethel School District, which demonstrate how valid data were used to drive quality instruction in the district
  • Readings in Chapter 2 of the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text
  • The vignettes in Chapter 4 of the Bambrick-Santoyo (2010) text (Also, examine the article by Hamilton et al.)

To submit:

This Assignment is a paper, 6 to 8 pages in length, consisting of the following sections. Use the following headings to organize your work:

Section 1: Using Assessment to Drive Instruction

Describe at least two examples of the types of assessments used in examples from this module’s readings and videos. Explain the purpose for using these particular forms of assessment, and how data were utilized to drive instruction. Provide examples of how the data improved student learning. Be specific, and provide details to support your choices.

Section 2: District Practices: Standards-Based Teaching and Learning

Refer to the district you chose in Module 1 to complete the following component.

Review the data provided by the district you selected. Which aspects of the information described in Figure 2.2, “Conceptual Framework for Data Driven Decision Making,” on page 34 of the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text, were you able to obtain? What does the data tell you about the district’s use of standards-based teaching and learning?

Using Student Performance Data

Review Figure 2.6, “Abbott’s Framework of Improvement and Readiness,” on page 39 in the Mandinach and Jackson (2012) text. How would the district you selected fare in response to this process? Based on what you know about the district, explain what you perceive to be the use of student performance data to lead instruction and school improvement efforts. You may complete this task focusing on a specific grade level and/or content area. Be specific, and provide examples.

Section 3: Describing the Relationship

Finally, address the following question: What is the relationship between assessment, data, and instruction? As a CIA leader, what strategies will you implement to make sure the relationship remains stable and effective? Use scholarly research to support your strategies.

Length: 6 to 8 pages

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