Sources and Guidance
- Please include citations (relevant to organizational development/design/culture) from the following sources (up to 15):
a) Almond, P., & Gonzalez, M.C. (2012). Cross-national comparative human resource management and the ideational sphere: a critical review. International Journal of Human Resource Management, online first.
b) Almond, P., Gonzalez, M.C., Lavelle, J., & Murray, G. (2016). The local in the global: Regions, employment systems and multinationals. Industrial Relations Journal,
c) Bayo-Moriones, A. Galdon-Sanches, J.E., & Martinez-de-Morentin, S. (2013) The determinants of pay settlements: the influence of the national context. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
d) Ferner, A.M., & Almond, P. (2013). Performance and reward practices in foreign multinationals in the UK. Human Resource Management Journal,
e) Garavan, T.N., & Carberry, R. (2012). A review of international HRD: incorporating a global HRD construct. European Journal of Training and Development,
f) Kirk, S. (2016). Career capital in global Kaleidoscope careers: the role of HRM. International Journal of Human Resource Management,
g) Nyberg, D., & Sewell, G. (2014). Collaboration, Co-operation or Collusion? British Journal of Employment Relations,
h) A Global Perspective on the Non-Financial Consequences of Downsizing
i) A Model for Diagnosing Organizational Behaviour, Organizational Dynamics, Autumn,1980
j) Strategic Fit Among Business Competitive Strategy, Human Resource Strategy and Reward System , Academy of Strategic Management Journal , 2011, vol 10(2),
k) Interplay between performance measurement and management, employee engagement and performance, International Journal of Operations & Production Management,
l) Milorad M. Novicevic & Michael Harvey (2001) The changing role of the corporate HR function in global organizations of the twenty-first century, International Journal of Human Resource Management,
m) Wei Zheng , Baiyin Yang , Gary N. McLean (2010). Linking organizational culture, structure, strategy, and organizational effectiveness: Mediating role of knowledge management. Journal of Business Research
n) Edward E. Lawler III, Christopher G. Worley. (2012). Designing organizations for sustainable effectiveness. Organizational Dynamics,
And sources from attached files:
a) Auto 2030
b) The Road to 2020 and beyond
c) Denison 2004
- Please demonstrate understanding of:
a) Cultural norms, behaviours and paradigms in organisation design and development and their value and contribution to organisational life from both historical and contemporary perspectives.
b) Apply theoretical ideas to help solve problems around organisational design and development including the reference to the way that processes and systems maintain those structures.
c) Understand and critically evaluate the methods and procedures of organisational development which support organisational design and realignment strategies.
d) Review research and critically evaluate major debates related to HRM and HRD in organisations in a national and global context including the way that organisational HRM and HRD strategies are shaped by and developed in response to internal and external environmental factors by a variety of factors including through government policy.
e) With reference to demographic, social and technological trends, demonstrate a sound understanding of globalised HRM and HRD policy and practice and the issues facing international HR managers in a global business environment including the critical evaluation of how organisational leaders and the HR function respond to these pressures.
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