Organizational Culture

  1. Describe the organizational culture of Southwest Airlines the best you can using the characteristics of organizational culture discussed in Rao (2010) and Piccolo and Bardes (2011).  These include but are not limited to detail-oriented, team-oriented, innovative, aggressive, outcome-oriented, and people-oriented.  Be specific as you can regarding which characteristics of organizational culture that you read about in the background materials apply to Southwest and which ones do not. 
  2. Describe the organizational culture of Koch Industries the best you can using the characteristics of organizational culture discussed in Rao (2010) and Piccolo and Bardes (2011).
  3. Now suppose Koch Industries decided to purchase Southwest Airlines.  Compare and contrast the two cultures, and explain what kind of challenges do you think they would face in merging the two cultures.  Also, explain what steps you think would need to be taken in order to prevent culture clashes between the two organizations. Use concepts from Rao (2010) or Piccolo and Bardes (2011) as part of your recommendations on steps to take to avoid culture clashes.

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