Opinion Essay

Answer the following questions in well-organized answers. These questions want your opinion about the Canadian economy, and while there are no right or wrong answers, you will be graded on how thoughtful and clear your answers are. Your task, after answering them, is to take your responses for each of these questions and turn them into an essay; this will involve some planning on your part in order to make these five questions into one cohesive essay. Your essay will be marked using the rubric at the end of this assignment.

Please note that this assignment is worth 8% of your final mark.  Please put your best effort into this assignment.

  1. In your opinion, what is the most important economic problem facing Canada today? In other words, the one that concerns you the most? Why is this case?
  2. In your view, is the economy in Canada beginning to improve, not changing, or getting worse? In answering this question, you must provide at least three pieces of evidence to justify your view.
  3. At the end of the day, Canadians look to their governments for solutions to the major problems we face. Do you agree or disagree? In your answer, you must discuss at least two problems faced by Canadians, either provincially or nationally.
  4. Imagine you are the Minister of Finance for Canada. You must make one of the following decisions before budget day:
  • Do everything possible to reduce the government deficit, even if it means a reduction in services.
  • Invest in programs that give people skills for the future, even if means the deficit increases.

Explain your reasoning for the choice you made.

  1. “Canada would be a much better nation if it became part of the United States”. Do you agree or disagree? Give reasons to support your stance.



Essay Scoring Criteria

The assignment is marked out of 25 but is scaled using the following 6-point rubric. Student response may or may not conform to each and every descriptor within a particular scale point. Missing citations will have an automatic deduction of 4 marks; citations in MLA-8 or APA format are expected.

6 point (23-25 marks)

  • A relevant position/thesis, as directed by the command term, is clearly stated.
  • Superior recall of factual content; organized in a thoughtful and effective manner.
  • Position is supported with thoroughly developed details and insightful conclusions are drawn.
  • Expression is clear and fluent with few flaws in communication.

5 point (19-22 marks)

  • A relevant position/thesis, as directed by the command term, is clearly stated.
  • Proficient recall of factual content; organized in a thoughtful and effective manner.
  • Position is supported with well-developed details and effective conclusions are drawn.
  • Expression is generally fluent with few flaws in communication.

4 point (15-18 marks)

  • A relevant position/thesis, as directed by the command term, is adequate.
  • Competent recall of factual content; generally organized in a clear manner.
  • Position is supported with sufficient details and adequate conclusions are drawn.
  • Expression is sufficiently fluent; errors do not impede meaning.

3 point (11-14 marks)

  • A relevant position/thesis, as directed by the command term, is adequate.
  • Minimal recall of factual content; organization is attempted.
  • Position is supported with some detail and conclusions are weak.
  • Expression is limited; errors may distract and impede meaning.

2 point (6-10 marks)

  • A position/thesis is insufficient.
  • Limited recall of factual content; lacks organization.
  • Absence of supporting details, little or no relevant conclusion.
  • Expression is awkward; errors interfere with meaning.

1 point (0-5 marks)

  • A position/thesis is absent.
  • Deficient recall of factual content; lacks organization.
  • Absence of supporting detail.
  • Expression is full of errors making understanding difficult.


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