Operating Cost

An amusement park, whose customer set is made up of two markets, adults and children, has developed demand schedules as follows:

The marginal operating cost of each unit of quantity is $5. Because marginal cost is a constant, so is average variable cost. Ignore fixed costs. The owners of the amusement part want to maximize profits.

Price ($) Quantity
Adults Children
5 15 20
6 14 18
7 13 16
8 12 14
9 11 12
10 10 10
11 9 8
12 8 6
13 7 4
14 6 2

Calculate the price, quantity, and profit if: The amusement park charges a different price in the adult market

Please express your answers for Price and Profit in whole dollars (i.e.10.00)

Please use whole numbers for Quanitity (i.e. 10, 27, 4)

Price Quantity Total Revenue Marginal Revenue Marginal Cost Total Cost MR-MC Profit
84 5.00 30.00 54.00
91 7.00 5.00 35.00 2.00
96 5.00 5.00 40.00 0.00
99 3.00 5.00 45.00 -2.00
100 1.00 5.00 50.00 -4.00
99 -1.00 5.00 55.00 -6.00
96 -3.00 5.00 60.00 -8.00
91 -5.00 5.00 65.00 -10.00
84 -7.00 5.00 70.00 -12.00
75 -9.00

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