Online Library

Question 1

As a learning team, create a 3-slide presentation on the topic that you decided on as a team in Week Four. This presentation will require a deeper examination of your chosen topic as it is an emerging issue/trend in today’s health care industry.

The topic that was chosen was patient bill of rights.

Include the following in your presentation:

  • Identify and discuss the emerging issues and trends surrounding the reasons the topic was included in the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)

Include detailed speaker notes as part of your presentation.

Cite a minimum of 1 references.

Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

Question 2

Topic: Managed Care  and Health Care Settings

1. Use the online Library and find an article that relates to quality issues regarding managed care. Summarize the article. Make sure your article has not already been presented by someone else. Include in-text citations and the reference, using APA format. Do not copy word for word or paste the article into your post.

2. What impact does managed care have on the various healthcare settings, for example, care in hospitals and Doctor offices? (Review Chapter 6)

Select “Student Resources” on the left navigation on this course, and then select “Writing and Library”. The library orientation video is included here for help with accessing the library and finding materials.


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