One Master Plan or Separate Plans as Part of a Contingency Plan

Compare and contrast the different plans that were described in the module. Split the class into two. On one side, they should explain how they are like each other and why some companies only have one master plan. Have the other side argue how they are different and the importance to have separate plans as part of a contingency plan for an organization. (5.1, 5.2, 5.4, PPT Slides 3–5, 8–46, 50–78, and 81–91)

Question 2
Module 5 Discussion 2: Crisis Planning as Important as Information Security
Discussion Module 5: Crisis Planning as Important as Information Security
Explain why crisis planning is as important as securing and protecting information that is within an organization.
(5.1, 5.5, PPT Slides 3–5, 93–96)

Question 3
Discussion Week 6 Question 1 Ethical Dilemmas
Discussion: Ethical Dilemmas.
Compile a list of ethical dilemmas you might face when they are on the job. Explain your choices. (6.1, 6.2, PPT Slides 3–7, 10–17, 20–23, and 26–31)

Question 4
Discussion Week 6 Question 2 How Do You Define Privacy
Discussion: How Do You Define Privacy.
Privacy is a hot-button topic for most students. Discuss how the definition of privacy that is commonly used (freedom from observation) may differ from the definition of privacy from the information security perspective (freedom from unsanctioned intrusion). (6.2, 6.4, PPT Slides 3–7, 10–17, 20–23, 26–52)

Question 5
Discussion 1 Week 7 How impactful are the certifications relative to the job duties an Information Security professional need
Discuss the different certifications presented in the module. How impactful are the certifications relative to the job duties an information security professional need? Do the costs outweigh the benefits? (7.3, PPT Slides 23–27 and 30–32)
Question 6
Discussion 2 Week 7 What action can each person take to minimize the risk of identity theft
What actions can each person take to minimize the risk of identity theft? Take a few minutes to discuss and generate a list of concrete actions each student can take to control this risk. (7.1, 7.2, 7.4, 7.5, PPT Slides 3–5, 8–14, 3–44, and 47–54)

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