Select, research and analyze one of the concepts covered (Weeks 1-3; list will be provided by your instructor). Your paper should include 1) an explanation of the significance of the concept to the nursing profession, and 2) reflection on how this concept might influence your learning/practice as a nursing student.
• State the focus, purpose and chosen concept of the paper (see above) and provide a brief outline of the paper.
Body of paper
Use a maximum of four current (within the past 10 years) peer-reviewed, nursing focused resources to examine your concept.
• Provide a definition of the concept supported by current, peer reviewed nursing literature
• Using the literature, analyze and explain how this concept is relevant in the nursing profession.
- Note: This section should be the FOCUS of the paper.
• Reflect on and describe your new understanding of this concept. How can this influence your learning and future nursing practice?
• Provide a concluding paragraph for your paper that ties together key points and arguments.
*Note* Analysis is an important part of this paper. Here are a few key points about analysis:
• Analysis moves beyond description and involves deep examination of the concept.
• Analysis is a process of inquiry that draws on multiple resources/citations to identify, compare and contrast different viewpoints of the concept.
• Analysis involves not only how the concept is used/exhibited (in nursing), but also how, where and when it emerges, what it means and why it is significant.
The paper must be submitted to TURNITIN on the day it is due. Late Penalty: Individual scholarly papers submitted to Turnitin late will be subject to a late penalty. Late penalties will apply as per the Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Degree Program Student Handbook.
SCHOLARLY PAPER GUIDELINES Student: ______________________ Mark: _______/25
Value | Criteria | Comments |
/ 6 | INTRODUCTION & CONCLUSION TO PAPER Introduction: Purpose of paper clearly stated and brief outline provided. Conclusion: Key points and arguments tied together | |
/ 15 | BODY OF PAPER The concept was: Clearly defined, supported by current nursing literature from peer-reviewed journal(s). Analyzed in-depth, and shown how it is relevant in the nursing profession. Analysis supported by current nursing literature from peer-reviewed journals.Reflected on. new understandings of the concept described and linked to future nursing practice. | |
/ 4 | PAPER FORMAT AND TECHNICAL GUIDELINES Used 7th edition APA Publication Manual to guide scholarly writing including but not limited to: title page, use of proper headings if applicable, page numbers, margins, double spacing, in-text citing, reference page, grammar, spelling, sentence structure, scholarly writing. Four page maximum (exclusive of title page & reference list). Maximum of four current references (within ten years) from nursing or allied health journals with a nursing focus. Paper submitted on time. | |
Total Mark / 25 |
Note: Grading the scholarly paper assignment is based on the “Guide line for Grading Written Assignments” chart located in the Ryerson, Centennial, George Brown Collaborative Degree Program Student Handbook.
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