Nervous System

Multiple sclerosis is a condition that affects the central nervous system. In this assignment, you will explore this condition in more detail using the scenario below.

A friend of yours discloses that he was recently diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Being the caring friend you are, you wish to know more about the condition and how you can best support your friend. You decide to research this disease further.

To complete this assignment, do the following:

  1. Research this disease using a minimum of 2 sources. You can use your textbook for one of the sources. Choose the remaining source(s) from the GALE Virtual Reference Library provided on the Structure and Function of the Human Body library guide page.
  2. In a minimum of 2 pages (not counting the references page), address the following:
    • Explain how multiple sclerosis affects the nervous system.
    • Describe the treatment options that are available for your friend.
    • State whether it was possible for your friend to have prevented this condition.
  3. Include a references page at the end of your document, formatted using the APA guidelines, that lists your research sources.

Question 2

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper that analyzes the principal objectives of punishment within the U.S. corrections system.

Answer the following questions in your paper:

  • What are the state and federal objectives of punishment?
  • How does sentencing affect the state and federal corrections systems overall? Support your answer.
  • What is determinate and indeterminate sentencing? Which sentencing model do you feel is most appropriate? Explain why and provide an example.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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