Question 1
A theme shared by Wordsworth’s “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and “Lines on a Beautiful Spring in a Village” is that __________.
a. memories of the natural world comfort those who recall them
b.people fail to appreciate the beauty of the natural world
c.time in the crowded city causes people to behave unkindly
d. childhood is a happier time than adulthood
Question 2
In which poem does the speaker use an extended metaphor to describe the cycle of people’s lives?
a. Keats’s “The Human Seasons”
b. Coleridge’s “Lines on a Beautiful Spring in a Village”
c. Shelley’s “The Cloud”
d. Blake’s “Odes to the Seasons”
Question 3
In what section of Romeo and Juliet does William Shakespeare introduce the main characters, major conflicts, and central themes of the play?
a. rising action
d. falling action
Question 4
Based on their behavior in Act 1 of Romeo and Juliet, how are Benvolio and Tybalt different?
a. Benvolio is a peace-loving man, while Tybalt is quarrelsome and violent.
b. Benvolio is fiery and hot tempered, while Tybalt is rational and peaceful.
c. Benvolio is melancholy and lovesick, while Tybalt is mirthful and wry.
d. Benvolio is reserved and aloof, while Tybalt is affectionate and kind.
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