National Organization

Managing Boundaries in the Helping Process

Please put parts 1 and 2 together in a single document and submit one complete assignment to the Dropbox.

Part 1:

Managing boundaries is an everyday reality faced by human service professionals, particularly those who live and practice in small communities. Helpers who work in rural communities may have greater challenges in dealing with multiple relationships than those who work in urban areas. In 3 to 4 pages, explore the issues below. Please use APA subheadings and title the sections scenario 1, 2, and 3. Your response should include a minimum of four scholarly sources, one of which must be the National Organization of Human Services Code of Ethics.


  • A human service professional discovers that all of her bank accounts are at the local bank where a client works as a teller. This client has access to the human service professional’s financial information and may be able to ascertain who the human service professional’s other clients are in town when checks are deposited.

Part 2:

Increasingly, clients or former clients want to become “friends” with their human service professional via the Internet. For helping professionals who are considering using Facebook, a host of ethical concerns about boundaries, dual relationships, confidentiality, and privacy arise. Refer to activity #10 in Chapter 8 above (Confidentiality and Privacy in a Technological World) for some ideas on how to work with this material. In 2 to 3 pages, please summarize what you would do in this sitNuation. Your response should include a minimum of four scholarly sources, one of which must be the National Organization of Human Services Code of Ethics.

Provide appropriate citations and references for any information you use in this paper.

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