Museum Review Assignment

Students tend to enjoy this paper as you get a chance to apply all your new knowledge in a museum / gallery setting. Please follow the instructions below including format.
I recommend printing a vocabulary list of visual art terms and bringing it with you to the Museum so you can think about all the various art terms. Spend time really looking at the work (not the writing about it) and pick something you really like! Think about what it is like to stand in front of the work, rather than an image of it. Explore things like scale (your relation to the work), textures and the nuances you see in “real life”. Use as many of the applicable visual art terms as possible, describe them and then how they affect the meaning of the work, but only ones that apply.  Pick an exhibit or work that really speaks to you, and if at all possible, visit the museum twice.
I’m looking for you to push yourself here.
Think these three steps for every visual art term:
DEFINE your term: tell me what the term means  (Scale refers to the size of an object (a whole) in relationship to another object (another whole). In art the size relationship between an object and the human body is significant.)
IDENTIFY your term in the art work: tell me where you see the term in the art (The Scale of the sculpture is very large compared to the viewer)
ANALYZE : tell me what the term is telling me about the work. (because the scale of the sculpture is so large it creates a sense of awe in the viewer.)
The instructions:
500 to 1000 words. Write a review of an exhibition at a museum or gallery. You must actually visit the museum or gallery in real time. Take photos (cell phone photos are fine) so that the instructor can see the objects you are reviewing. Talk about 2 to 4 pieces of art in the exhibit. Compare and contrast the form, style, medium and visual meaning using the terms and vocabulary learned in the course material. Talk about everything you see, not historical facts. Name the artist and the art works. You must post a jpg of the images no larger than 10MB in your essay. No separate attachments You must put your name in the document titles (ie: Smith_review.doc) and on the first page of the word document.
Please embed images into a word document. You MUST write the name of the artists, pieces, mediums and where you saw it.

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