Motivational Theories

In Assessments 1 and 2, you completed Part 1 and Part 2 of a request for proposal (RFP) from a nearby school district that is seeking individuals or groups to design a training and professional development in-service day about the brain and mind from a biopsychological perspective for their educators. For this assessment, use the Assessment 3 Proposal Template (linked in the Additional files) to create Part 3 of the RPF by completing the following. Your objective is to provide information to support educators in their work with students and parents.
VII. Provide an Example from Your Own Memories
1. Think of an example in your own life of disagreeing memories. Document your memories, and note where there are differences and why that might be the case.
2. Explain how this exercise will be used to teach educators about memory acquisition; specifically:

o Outline memory acquisition.
o Create a memory mapping of the brain.
o Explain how information is processed.
VIII. Motivational Theories
1. Summarize these theories:
o Drive theory.
o Incentive theory.
o Arousal theory.
o Brain state theory.
2. For each theory, identify a common behavior. Hypothesize what might have prompted the behavior from the perspective of each motivational theory.
IX. Create an Example Lesson
1. Create an example lesson using topics from one of these areas: science, social studies, history, math, et cetera. Select a topic that you feel comfortable with, and it should be relatively easy for you to create a short lesson.
2. Your lesson should be an example of how educators can use memory acquisition and motivational theory to teach, work with, and influence students. The purpose of your creating this lesson is to demonstrate your understanding of motivational theory, not the lesson content; in other words, if you select history as a topic, you will not be evaluated on the history content. However, keep in mind that whatever topic you select for your example lesson, you should strive to be as accurate as possible to lend credibility to your proposal.

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