It is important for human resources professionals to acknowledge their values and beliefs, and be prepared to navigate situations involving value differences or conflicts. Individuals uniquely prioritize moral foundations of harm, fairness, loyalty, authority, and purity, linked to cultural background and worldview. The purpose of this assignment is to understand how you judge right from wrong, be aware of your values, and be prepared for encountering situations where there may be value differences or conflicts in counseling or human services support. Understanding your own cultural beliefs and values can help to make you aware of potential bias and limitations, and increase empathy without judgment.
Write a 3-5 page paper (not counting the title page and reference page). You do not need to write an abstract. Follow current APA professional style standards. Cite and reference our textbook, Cultural Humility, by Hook et al. (2017), as a source used for support in your paper. This is the only source required for this paper. You are encouraged to use Scripture as well (see the Writing Style Guide tab for how to cite and reference Bible versions you quote). You need to read and familiarize yourself with Chapter 7 in Cultural Humility in order to complete this assignment.
Begin with a brief paper introduction where you explain what the paper covers.
In the first section, Moral Foundations, specify your results on the Moral Foundations Questionnaire (pp. 160-161) for each of the five values (for example, Harm/Care: 27, Fairness/Reciprocity: 18, etc.). It is easy to complete this questionnaire on paper, but there is also an online version available if you prefer. Answer the following questions in this section: Do the results of the questionnaire seem true to you? Do the moral foundations and the results of the questionnaire accurately describe how you judge right and wrong? When you think about what is most important to you, can you apply this model or would you need to expand the model to describe your moral system? This section should be 1-2 pages.
In the next section, Value Differences, list your three most important value differences or conflicts you could potentially experience working in the human services field. Some examples include abortion, different religion or atheism, sexuality, gender roles. Create a fictional case example in one paragraph that includes one of your most important value differences and conflicts. Next, create an imaginary collaborative discussion using your fictional case example, similar to the one on pp. 176-177 with 6-10 discussion phrases between yourself and a fictional client. This section should be 1-2 pages. In your scenario for this assignment, keep in mind that you want to show you are multiculturally oriented and culturally humble through your questions.
End with a brief Conclusion, where you summarize what you covered in your paper, and reflect on the experience. What did you learn about yourself in completing the questionnaire, thinking about value differences, and creating a scenario?
Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
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