The purpose of this assignment is to explore moral education in schools. Before starting, reflect on your own educational experience… Was moral education taught directly or formally to you in school (or in your educational experience, if home-schooled)? If not taught directly (e.g., a religion or morality course), were you required to do community service or activities like it?
When you are ready write an essay in Word or PDF format no longer than two (double-spaced 12pt Times New Roman 1″ margin) pages proposing a moral education program in a traditional high school setting. Address each of the following items in a separate paragraph for each, two points per paragraph:
- what moral education is
- why the community at-large would benefit from students in the high school completing a moral education program (“MEP”)
- describe a course that will educate students in morality, including the name of your course and an example or two of the course’s content
- describe a required activity associated with your proposed MEP, and (critical) why students doing the required activity would support their moral development
- a proposed means to evaluate whether the students and community have benefitted from the MEP at the high school
***Have fun with this! The MEP you are proposing should not be based on any sort of religious tradition. Be sure to proofread and maintain a professional tone, as though you are addressing a school board in trying to convince the board to adopt the program as part of the school’s curriculum.
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