Your task is to create a poster or power point slide and also a one page needs assessment handout.
The poster or slide will be presentation style, with a limited number of words and images
The poster or slide is to be presented to stakeholders and needs to include:
A Statement of Need
An Objective for a Program that Addresses the Need
A Model Program with Activities that Will Meet the Objective
A Plan for Evaluating the Program in an Ongoing Manner
A Plan for Presenting Results, a Report and Assessment of Outcome
This poster or slide needs to be accompanied by a handout that is a needs assessment. The needs assessment includes data as well as an explanation of the meaning of the data that spells out the need.
This needs assessment should have citation(s) for the data and the needs should be explained in a way that the stakeholders can understand. It is reasonable to explain the needs both in professional public health discourse and also everyday language that is used by the stakeholders to which this poster and handout are presented. This handout should be one page long and include any relevant source citations.
You may choose to make a true poster size presentation and then take a picture and submit the jpeg.
You can also use software that can create an image that is able to be communicated through typical Microsoft Office formats.
The idea is that you are creating a program to address an important need. You are also suggesting how this program will be evaluated. The stakeholders will see the slide or poster at some meeting and be asked for input and approval. The plan is that these same stakeholders will be interested in hearing the reports of progress on your mutual objectives. The stakeholders will, in the end, be an audience for the evaluation. The handout will be available to the stakeholders.
Rubric or Criteria
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