Modern Culture

Question 1

1. What is the significance of “humanism” on the art and music of the Renaissance Period? Explain what humanism is and how it affected the art and music from the period. Give an example of art (sculpture, painting, etc.) and a musical piece that we studied to support your answer.

2. Choose a piece of music we studied from the Renaissance, Baroque, or Classical Period. Describe three ways that the piece of music you chose exhibits the general style of the period.

3. Explain how our modern artistic and musical culture (music of today) is influenced by the styles of the musical periods we have studied. Find at least one specific cultural, artistic, or musical influence from three of the periods we have studied (choose from: Medieval, Renaissance, Baroque, Classical) and explain how this influence is reflected in our modern musical culture. Be detailed and specific in your answer (give examples).

  • MLA format and needs to be at least 2 pages


Question 2

You have been hired as a security specialist by a company to provide methods and recommendations to create a more secure environment for company data.

Write a 1- to 2-page recommendation paper outlining methods the company should consider to protect access to data, including recommendations for policies to be enacted that will increase data security.


Question 3

You work for a multi-state company with three sites in three different states, 1,000 employees, an ERP application with a backend database, and two datacenters.

Prepare a 2- to 2.5-page Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan in Microsoft® Word for your company. Include how you plan to:

  • Recover your databases and telecommunications.
  • Provide temporary office space for employees.
  • Recover and provide employee PCs and other technology assets.
  • Recover and provide any additional company assets.

Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.

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