Media Literacy and Criticism

The focus of this analysis is to critically analyze a social media hashtag or social media accounts on a related topic or theme. The hashtag or topic must address a current social issue. The analysis must include specific examples from social media posts. You may focus on one platform or multiple platforms. The examples must relate to a specific hashtag or topic you select. As you describe and discuss these examples, provide a critique using your own observations and ideas. Make sure to select a specific hashtag or topic for this analysis. Make the focus of your criticism or critique clear in your analysis.
Your analysis must be 4 pages long, double-spaced, typed in 12-point Times New Roman font, with 1-inch margins. References must be cited using APA Style, 7th edition.
Consult these websites for important guidelines before you start the assignment:
Part I: Select a social media hashtag or social media accounts on a related topic or theme.
Select a topic that is interesting to you. Be sure to narrow the focus. Note: Do not focus on one person’s social media account.
Part II: Select and discuss and least four to six specific social media posts and analyze based on the hashtag or topic you selected. Take notes. Record examples and the necessary details as related to the hashtag or topic you selected. Cite the specific social media accounts you give as examples. The analysis should be a critical analysis (positive and/or negative) of the social media content you view.
Submit a typed copy of your notes with your analysis.
Part III: Write an analysis based on your observations, review, and critical assessments of the social media content you selected.
• First, introduce the hashtag or topic and explain why this is important and/or current. Provide evidence or justification for its importance citing specific statistics or recent incidents. Describe why this topic is current or timely. Provide a clear, central focus or thesis statement for the analysis in the last sentence of your first paragraph.
• In your analysis, you will need to provide specific examples to illustrate your points. The examples should provide sufficient detail to give credibility to the points you make in your argument. Be sure to provide and integrate evidence (several specific, descriptive examples and/or direct quotes) to support your analysis/argument/central focus or thesis.
• Discuss your observations and critique based on related scholarly research. Select, read, and integrate into the analysis a minimum of three, scholarly journal articles or edited book chapters related to the topic or focus of the analysis or that explain potential effects on viewers. Academic journals might include such titles as Critical Studies in Mass Communication, Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Communication, Health Communication, and Journal of Health Communication. You are also welcome to include non-scholarly sources, like news/magazine articles and web pages, in addition to the four academic sources. However, be judicious about the non-scholarly work included. (Is it a credible source? Is it relevant?) Please note that Wikipedia is not considered to be a credible source.
*Remember to use APA style, 7th edition.
*Remember to introduce sources in the text using parenthetical references as required by APA Style, 7th edition.
*Remember to include a References/Work Cited page for all references/citations used.
*Remember to observe the page limit. I stop reading after you reach the page limit.
*Remember to use complete sentences and proofread your assignment before submitting for evaluation. Writing quality (correct use of grammar, punctuation, paragraph structure etc…) counts on all assignments!

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