Masters Program

Topic: “Getting accepted into a counseling masters program and getting a graduate assistant ship”

“The graduate assistant ship is a gem of an opportunity for any graduate student. There are at least three different benefits of such a position:

1. Unique networking and mentorship opportunity: working with departmental faculty allows the graduate assistant to interact closely on various projects for added academic development.

2. A professional jump-start: A graduate assistant can “practice” being in an administrative and/or teaching position to add valuable experience to the academic and professional preparation program.

3. Saving money: Most if not all graduate assistant positions offer compensation in the form of credits, stipends, or both. In addition to meeting academic standards, getting accepted into a graduate program is really nothing more than presenting oneself as a professionally-minded individual with some preliminary goals.”

This paper will also present guidelines and tips for acceptance into a counseling graduate program as well as landing a valuable graduate assistant ship.

Question 2

TOPIC: Coping with Stress; individual, community, and cultural approaches

Please write a 10-page paper on one of the topics below (single-spaced, 12-pt standard font—i.e., Times New Roman) in a Microsoft Word (or text) document file format. If you prefer to address a different topic, please choose the topic in consultation with your tutor. Your paper should be written in essay style, with an original title, a title page, an introduction, discussion, conclusion, citations, and a reference list that includes all the readings and sources cited in your paper. Your reference style must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) format.
Your paper will be graded for style as well as content. Please see the section of the Course Information titled “Tips on Essay Writing” for information about writing essays.
Note: Your assignment must be submitted online through the designated Assignment Drop Box.
Suggested Topic: Aboriginal health in the twenty-first century

Obomsawin, R. (2007). Historical and scientific perspectives on the health of Canada’s First Peoples.

Medical Anthropology in Ecological Perspective
Ann McElroy and Patricia K. Townsend Sixth Edition

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