Marketing Strategies

Task. Marketing. Group Assignment: (1500 words) Brand Name: IKEA – Poster or power point design with info.

Working in groups (of 4-5 people) you are required to review a recent academic article published in 2023 and present its managerial implications, applying what you found to a company of your choice. Per the module handbook, the word limit for the group assignment is 1,500 words although you are expected to use much less.
This group assignment is worth 20% of your overall mark for the module.
Your Task
The assignment is broken down into three sections:
Part A: Find and present a recent article (50%) (reference downloaded article attached, Journal of Retailing, Immersive retailing: The in-store experience)

The article needs to have been published in 2023 in a leading Marketing Journal. This includes Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Retailing, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Market Research, European Journal of Marketing, Industrial Marketing Management, International Marketing Review, Journal of Interactive Marketing, Journal International Marketing, Marketing Letters, Marketing Theory, Psychology and Marketing.
Using journals that are not on the list will be penalized.
After carefully reading the article you need to present the theory, methodology and main findings in a coherent way.
Part B: Applying your article knowledge to a company (40%)
Apply what you have learned from the article to a company of your choosing.
You should consider the following:

  1. How can the managers of the company apply the knowledge from the article to their advantage?
  2. What recommendations can you make to that company?
    Part C: Presentation (10%)
    You will need to present your findings in one-page academic poster.
    You should consider the following:
  3. The poster should be visually stimulating using a variety of materials and creative use of colour, visuals and text.
  4. Your poster should include academic and organizational references where appropriate.
    You will also be assessed by the following:
    • Evidence of wider reading- business articles, business web-sites, journal papers and academic books.
    • Learned new knowledge through investigation of real business and marketing examples.
    • Development of wider insights, knowledge and understanding by carrying out critical analysis and application of relevant theory, concepts, tools and models.
    • Extraction and effective communication of the key points arising from your reading of the article and its application to a company.

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