Marin County

each individual student is required to research, write and submit a research paper on an actual project that was deemed a failure (“failure mini-case”). The Failure Mini-Case is worth 20% of the course grade.
Step 1 Project Topic Approvals – At his/her earliest convenience, each student should submit via email to the instructor a proposed paper topic containing the name of the project, the sponsor organization(s) and a short description. No duplications of student topics are permitted. Topics will be considered and approved on a first come first served basis.
Step 2 Paper Components – Once your failure mini-case topic has been approved by the instructor, you should research, write and submit as an email attachment to the instructor, a research paper containing the following:
•A title page,
•A paginated table of contents,
•A description of the project startup (e.g., purpose, objectives, sponsors, etc)
•Key related project factors (e.g., management structure, personnel, time factors, perceived risks, available resources, constraints, project management work plan, etc.)
•A detailed analysis of why the project was judged to be a failure, explained in terms of the project management principles studied in this course and/or mentioned in the textbook
•Other things – A research bibliography should be included at the end of the paper. Footnotes or endnotes should also be utilized as well as descriptive section headings. Sources should be given for any presented tables and/or figures that are not your own creation.

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