Managers Performance

ASSIGNMENT and additional instructions (learning) on writing
{do NOT do the questions as listed in the SHRM Case; This is a research paper, not a Q&A and not an Essay. So, to be clear, you are writing paragraphs not bullet points or Q&A. The numbered items (questions) below should be addressed within your writing but not numbered. Use paragraphs with bold centered section headers}

First, the “Additional (helpful) Instructions”
• Standard cover(title) page – see word or PDF doc template.
• References on the last page. References, in-sentence citations and the writing is in APA 6 format.
• Papers have your name as a part of the file name on the left before upload. Word Doc or PDF only.
• When you are done writing your answers write a brief Introduction and Conclusion section, with their headers.
• The number of pages is of writing, double spaced, but excludes tables, diagrams, and the paper’s Cover, Intro, Conclusion & References.
• Proper use of section headers: NOT:
Scenario 1 – What are some of the …
(Don’t repeat the question build into the section header. Think of section headers as exit signs on a highway w/ a bit of bumper sticker to tell the reader what follows. Normal paper text, bold, centered and carefully numbered).
Instead, use this approach ) for example:

Positions to Recruit & Why (Scenario 1 – Answer 1)

Think of the numbered scenarios as sequences at different time periods, like a story (or more closely, a saga) as it evolves. When answering Scenario 2, assume scenario 2 has happened but you do NOT yet know or have reason to know the future scenarios. Only the present and the past.

Scenario 1 (about 1 ½ – 2 pages)
.1 What are some of the positions you may need to recruit and why?
.2 What challenges do the existing recruitment policies and guidelines present and how would you improve upon them?
.3 What would be your recruitment strategy?

Scenario 2 (about 2 pages)
.1 How would you have handled the program manager’s performance issues? Include your rationale.
.2 What are the many options, and the pros and cons, to find a new program manager?
.3 Discuss the recruitment and retention challenges you face in filling the position quickly.
.4 Who must you communicate with to implement your strategy for .3 above, quickly?

Scenario 3 (about 2 pages)
.1 What are your primary recruitment issues now? and retention issues now?
.2 What can be done to retain existing employees?
.3 How will you motivate the current team?
.4 How will you go about replacing the workers who have left (positions that are still needed)?

Scenario 4 (about 1 ½ – 2 pages)
.1 What steps would you take to recruit and hire employees for the new teams?
.2 What will you do to quickly integrate the new teams into the existing workforce and keep them all productive?
.3 What will be some of the more notable/strategic elements of the compensation strategy?

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