Management Positions

Part 1:You are working for a medium-to-large aviation-related enterprise, and thanks to your College of Business degree, you have substantial knowledge of MIS. Because of your expertise, you were placed in a mid-to-upper level management position. Now your superiors expect results! Upper management has asked you to investigate and evaluate five different MIS solutions that, if implemented, could improve and enhance the efficiency of the company’s various business processes, leading to increased profitability.

Part 1 requires you to select a title for your project, choose five MIS topics to conduct research on, and build a five-page template in current APA format.

Part 2: In your role as an employee at a medium-to-large aviation-related business, it’s time to drill down to the specifics for two of the Management Information Systems you selected. As you perform research and compose your data, remember that you are in a mid-to-upper level management position and have significant decision-making influence with your company.

Conduct research and compose scholarly data on two of the five Management Information System topics you choose in part 1. To begin the body of the text before providing any specific content relating to your first MIS topic, compose a brief paragraph consisting of 3-4 sentences that introduce the need for MIS solutions in your company. In that paragraph provide a bulleted list of the five MIS topics that you chose to present.

Part 3: Conduct research and compose scholarly data on two of the three Management Information System topics that you have left from part 1.

Part 4: finalize and submit your paper by completing the following:

  • Last Management Information System topic
  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • Conclusion
  • Reference List
  • Editing

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