Management of the System

This QLP assignment is meant to be a draft of the first part of the management evaluation section of your final write-up for the quarter long project and include the following two topics:

  1. Current management of your system: Fully describe any management actions that take place in your system of study. This main include current restoration projects, monitoring activities, rules for acceptable activities and actions, and/or maintenance projects. When you describe these actions make sure to include and explanation of the reason for the actions. If there is a formal management plan for your system, summarize it’s key points here.
  2. Adaptive management: Explain/describe the steps of adaptive management (from the listed bullet points below) and give a detailed description of how each is being applied to your system or how each should/could be applied to your system. Since different adaptive management process contain different steps, I want you to use the following steps in your explanation:
    • Assessing the problem(s),
    • Designing a solution
    • Implementing the solution
    • Monitoring the implementation
    • Evaluating the implementation
    • Adjusting implementation based upon the monitoring and evaluation of the implementation

This document must be in paragraph form, 12pt font, single-spaced, and be no longer than two pages. Since there are two topics to cover your document must contain at least two paragraphs. However, the adaptive management topic must be very detailed, so it may require multiple paragraphs. The adaptive management topic here is the most important, so it should comprise more of this assignment than the current management actions portion. You will be including a lot of details in each paragraph, so paragraph structure here is crucial. Make sure each paragraph has a topic (or topic sentence) and that all the details in each paragraph are part of that topic. Don’t just add random details about actions and management to each paragraph because they sound good or are interesting. Everything must be cohesive in each paragraph and deliberate for describing the main points of the management actions to be taken. Also, you need to include a reference section at the end of QLP 4 with at least 5 cited references. Complete the in-paragraph citations and reference section with the same format described for the QLP 1 assignment.

Upload information
After you finish this assignment, upload it as a .doc or .docx document to the correct assignment folder on D2L for QLP assignment #4.

Name it with the following format: ESM_355_Assignmentname_Lastname.doc Example: ESM_355_QLP4_Smith.doc

Assignment scoring details
Your assignment will be scored based upon the following point totals. To receive full points for each section, your explanations must be detailed and your citations correctly formatted.

• Description of the current management of your system (5pts)
• Description of the problem with the system (10 pts)
• Correctly formatted citations and correctly formatted reference section (5 pts)
• Overall quality of the assignment – these points are determined by the TA (or LA) based upon the overall clarity of the writing, organization of the details and concepts within each paragraph, the flow of details and concepts between the paragraphs, and grammar and typo’s. (5pts)

The following rubric will be used to score each part of your paper:

Full credit (5) Partial credit (4)  Partial credit (2-3)    Low credit (0-1)

Current management actions/practices in your system Fully describes the current management practices/actions in your system Management actions described with many details but still needs
more details to be effective Management actions described, but not well, has some details but
needs many more to be effective Management actions are either missing or severely lacking in adequate
details to be effective
Full credit (10) Partial credit (7-9) Partial credit (4-6) Low credit (0-3)
Application of Fully explains the Application of Application of Application of
adaptive application of adaptive
management in adaptive management is management is management is
your system management in your system using explained well, but not with enough explained but not well or with not explained or very poorly
many details and examples. detail or examples enough examples and details explained, severely lacking in
Full credit (5) Partial credit (4) Partial credit (2-3) Low credit (0-1)
Clarity Writing style is Writing style is Writing style is not Writing style is
clear, concepts are good, but not very clear, many very hard to
connected completely clear, concepts are not follow, concepts
between most concepts are connected are disparate and
paragraphs, and connected and between not logically linked
support/examples logical but not all paragraphs and between
for each concept of them statements are not paragraphs or
are logical logically organized supported
Full credit (5) Partial credit (4) Partial credit (2-3) Low credit (0-1)
References 5 references used, Either 3-4 full Either 2-3 full Either 1 full
correctly cited in references used references used references used
the text, and cited correctly and cited correctly, and cited correctly,
correctly or more than 4 or more than 3 or more than 2
formatted in the references used references are references are
reference section but not cited used but not cited used but not cited

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