Management Hierarchy

Question 1


This week your journal should focus on the following:

Document the management structure by creating a management hierarchy for ophthalmology practice.

Your submission will be graded using the criteria found in the HCA480 course syllabus, as well as proper grammar mechanics. Please make sure you proofread your file in addition to running spell check before submitting.

Your journal assignment must be a minimum of one page.

Question 2

Answer the following questions:

1) What are the most important things that Betsy Cline can do to “take care of her nurses” who work in the PCICU?

2) What are the priorities for Jill Paxton?

3) How can nurses in the PCICU judge whether the unit is doing an adequate job of supporting families?

4) What advice would you give to the hospital administrator to “take better care of your nurses”?

Your answers should be in the form of a two to three page typewritten paper – double spaced; reasonable font.

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