long residuals approach

In your final exam response essay, you must demonstrate your understanding of the long residuals of physical culture as you analyze ONE (1) of the following issues within contemporary physical culture. As you answer, you MUST examine the issue in terms of its political economy, geographic, and scientific histories as these histories have been discussed within the course.
1. White golf course owners said five African American women were playing too slowly. Then they called the police
Link: Siegel, R. (2018, April 25). White golf course owners said five African American women were playing too slowly. Then they called the police. Washington Post.
1. Review assigned readings and your notes from lectures and discussions.
2. Although you are required to interrogate a contemporary issue, the issue is the STARTING POINT for historical analysis. The majority of your essay MUST examine, discuss and analyze the historical aspects of the issue. Essays that focus more on the contemporary moment than the underlying historical issues and antecedents will not earn a score above 70%. This means that you need to engage in a dialectical analysis of the issue within its historical context.
3. INTRODUCTION (1 paragraph): You need to write a formal thesis statement and describe the long residual approach and your use of it. In the introduction, you must explain what it means to be critical about contemporary moment and how excavating the past can help us understand the present.
4. ISSUE OVERVIEW (1 paragraph): You need to describe the issue you are examining, as it exists in the contemporary moment with all relevant details. This is the ONLY PARAGRAPH IN THE BODY OF THE PAPER IN WHICH YOU ARE TO FOCUS ON THE CONTEMPORARY MOMENT, but you must do so in a manner that logically connects to the histories and concepts we have engaged in the course. As such, you need to explicitly state and concisely justify which specific course concepts are the most relevant towards explaining your chosen issue.
5. MAIN BODY (3 paragraphs): The main body should be your critical analysis of the issue in terms of its political economy, geographic, and scientific histories. Each of these histories should be allocated ONE (1) paragraph of your essay. Each of your module-based paragraphs must be well-developed and well-structured for you to demonstrate a clear understanding of the relevant concepts from that module as they relate to the issue you are examining. To do so, you need to answer each of the following questions by examining the issue’s historical foundations, contexts and dimensions. It is in this section where you need to discuss the long residuals as you conduct a dialectical analysis between each course module and the issue.
• How has your issue been impacted by historical political relations and formations of power and capital within physical culture?
• How has your issue been impacted by historical scientific understandings and knowledges of the body within physical culture?
• How has your issue been impacted by historical geographic relations and the production of space through physical culture?
Please note that some of the answers to these questions may not be intuitively clear as some issues are more obviously related to one of the structures of power, capital, space or knowledge than the others. However, all three structures are applicable to each issue and you will be assessed through your ability to develop a coherent and well-supported argument based in relevant course concepts and materials (lectures, readings, discussions).
6. CONCLUSION (1 paragraph): The conclusion needs to address the broader social significance of the issue you have chosen within the contemporary context and how your examination of the long residuals contributes to understanding of this context. As such, the conclusion is not a simple restatement of the argument you have made, but provides a “big picture” analysis of how and why histories of physical culture matter.
7. Use at least FIVE (5) articles from the assigned readings (no additional credit will be given for using outside sources) to conduct the required critical analysis. You should cite the linked article (the link is formatted in APA), but it does not count amongst the five required sources.

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