Literature Review

Write a short (about 5 pages, in APA format) paper summarizing and critiquing three academic journal articles pertaining to one of the topics in our course (ex. informed consent, confidentiality, ethical values, multicultural perspectives in ethics, client rights, boundary issues, ect). All articles should be dated within the past 5 years.

Papers will be evaluated on the merits of your summary and critique of current ethics research. You must address the following questions for each of the articles:

* Explain the nature and purpose of the research.

* How is their study important to our field and ethics?

* What were they hoping to find?

* was the sample population and how was it selected?

* Evaluate whether or not the experimental design was able to reasonably address the question at hand. What were the methodological strengths and weaknesses?

* What were the results?

* Were other variables reasonably controlled?

* What did the researchers conclude?

* Were their conclusions supported?

* Are the conclusions able to be generalized to the larger population?

* What are the implications of the study’s findings to our field?

* What are the overall strengths and weaknesses of the articles?

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