Reading: 1. Do Babies Learn from Social Media.pdf
Download Do Babies Learn from Social Media.pdf
- Lauriecella et al 2011 Learning from Videos.pdf
Download Lauricella et al 2011 Learning from Videos.pdf
QUESTION FOR 1ST POST (500 WORDS) – After reading the articles, compare and contrast them. Is watching TV or other media programs beneficial or not for very young children? What would you advise parents of infants and toddlers about watching TV and media programs after reading these articles?
Think about development and whether or not developmental theory would support media use in very young children.
Also, use class PPT, readings, book PDFto answer the discussion questions ( i am sending ppt for chapter 4 &5 ) and videos from modules WEEK2/14
Post two is minimum 300 words
- Feedback Questions
– Baby Learning from TV and Video
– Directions:
– Please select one question to answer for your second post. Copy the question into your post. You can also include new ideas or even information learned from your peers’ 1st post into your 2nd post as well, in addition to answering the question.
– Second posts should be a minimum of 300 words, APA formatted in-text citations, with a list of references at the end. Posts should include developmental theory and concepts.
– Baby Learning from TV and Video
– Would Piaget agree that there are better ways to learn versus watching TV/media or can TV/media be created in such a way to actually accelerate young children’s learning? If so, how?
– If you could create a TV show or media product to help accelerate learning in infants and toddlers, what would it look like?
– Would Vygotsky agree more with the Lauricella et al. (2011) experiment? Are meaningful interactions important for learning and if so, can we integrate them into TV/media to create effective media products for young children?
– Would you agree that TV/media is unnecessary before the age of three? Does the development of language factor into this discussion?
– Would you advise parents to forgo TV/media and instead use a puppet show, for example, to play with their children and teach concepts through this play? Or can TV/media do this already?
– Think about how babies and toddlers learn. Relate the process of learning to these articles- can we accelerate learning using TV/media? Why or why not?
– Do we learn in different ways? If so could BOTH interactions with parents/caregivers and TV/Media be beneficial? Is there harm in having babies and toddlers watch TV/media?
– Do these studies suggest that learning has to be meaningful to be beneficial? Is this why parents that interact with their children in a meaningful AND watching TV/media with meaningful characters and story lines can benefit cognitive development?
- What is the role of language development in this discussion? Is language development crucial for cognitive development and is this why watching TV/media is unnecessary for very young children?
- Are social interactions and modeling crucial for learning during infancy and toddlerhood? Is this what Deloache et al. (2010) and Lauricella et al. (2011) found? And does this relate back to Evans (2004) article about the need for stimulation and engagement from one’s environments
- Do we learn in different ways? Can TV/media enhance learning, as parents/caregivers interact with their children?
- Do these studies suggest that children need to be in a certain cognitive developmental level (Piaget) in order to benefit from either TV/Media or interactions? Is this why younger children did not show any benefits from watching media?
- Does the key to learning fall within how “meaningful” it is? Why or why not?
- Would Vygotsky agree? Is learning enhanced when it is meaningful? If so, could we create TV/media products that accelerate learning from 1-3 years of age if we used developmental theory and concepts to create our products?
- Would media programs like Baby Einstein be beneficial for infants and toddlers? Or should parents forgo TV/media for more interactive play? Why or why not?
- Would you suggest that children focus on play and social interactions from birth to 2 years (Sensorimotor Stage) and then when they move into the Preoperational Stage (around 2-3 years old) media is first introduced? Is this the take away from the articles- that toddlers need to be in a certain cognitive developmental stage in order to truly benefit from media?
- Is language the key ingredient as to whether or not media is beneficial to young children? Is this why children younger than 2 or 3 will not benefit from watching media, even if it is meaningful?
- What are the differences between videos and picture books? How does watching Elmo on a device or TV differ from an adult reading an Elmo book to a child
- Why do you think parental interactions with children (basically teaching and modeling) produced higher levels of vocabulary retention than when children watched videos that also contained vocabulary and repetition? What is so unique about parental interactions?
- Do the positive findings from the Lauricella et al. (2011) article boil down to the fact that meaningful characters, like Elmo or Dora, look at the audience, ask questions of the audience, and interact with the audience? If the makers of Sponge bob Square pants were to modify the cartoon so Sponge bob speaks to the audience, do you think this show could be beneficial for children to watch, why or why not?
- Would Vygotsky agree that parental interactions and modeling are the best strategies for learning during early childhood OR would he agree that we can also enhance learning if we integrate socially meaningful videos into our child’s day, why or why not
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