Legal Aspects of Business

By referring to relevant legislation and case law critically discuss the main features of these two forms of business organisation:
 Unlimited partnership
 Private limited company
Weighting for task 1: 50% TASK 2:
 Duty to act within the powers (section 171 Companies Act 2006)
 Duty to promote the success of the company (section 172 Companies Act 2006)
 Duty to exercise independent judgement (section 173 Companies Act 2006)
Weighting for task 2: 50%
Total weighting for both tasks: 100%
 Knowledge and understanding of relevant legal principles
 Structure
 Analysis and application of law
 Use of sources and academic conventions
 Clarity of expression (grammar, spelling, punctuation)
With reference to relevant legislation and case law, critically discuss the following duties of a
director of a company:

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