Leadership Essay Assignment


Essays will be written throughout the course for evidence that the student is applying information respectively. By utilizing research, the student will support their ideas with logical evidence and material, all while considering a biblical worldview. Students will incorporate information from the textbook and apply it to various avenues of life coaching. Students will understand essential characteristics of a professional life coach, a healthy coaching relationship, and how to help their client achieve success. From the reading, students will be able to communicate the coach and client’s roles, and how agenda and goals play a factor in the coaching process.


Students will complete 4 essays.  Please include all key components of the prompt with supporting textbook or scholarly research to demonstrate mastery of key issues and critical thinking. Examples are acceptable (pertinent, conceptual, or personal) along with thoughtful analysis when comparing and contrasting different concepts.  In all essays, there is a minimum word count of 400 words.

  • Title page and Reference page do not count towards word count
  • Current APA formatting
  • 3 citations need to be present and referenced on reference page in current APA format 
  • Acceptable sources (e.g. scholarly articles published within the last five years and current class textbook)
1Essay: What is in a leader?Based on your reading in The Art of Leaderships and research, define leadership coaching, address various traits and qualities of leadership, and identify negative behaviors or flaws within leadership.
2Essay: Jack and SusanJack and Susan are a young couple who have come to you for help. Five years ago they opened a Greek restaurant with Jack’s Grandmother (and all her Greek recipes). Their restaurant has now become one of the most popular spots in town. This past year they had their first child, which has made it difficult to keep up with everything at the restaurant. They share a love of cooking, but the demands of keeping up a successful business and family are becoming overwhelming. Jack’s grandmother is unable to keep up with the busy pace at work and seems more interested in spending time with her great-grandbaby.
As a life coach, how would you apply the principles covered in the course to help Jack and Susan with their business?   Describe in detail your recommended action plan for the presenting issue. What motivating factors should drive the change process for your client? What challenges should the client anticipate moving forward, and what realistic expectations should be developed? What is your plan for coaching your client through the process of change?  
3Essay: Servant LeadershipBased on your reading of The Art of Leadership, name three behaviors of servant leadership and address the upside-down pyramid approach to leadership through a biblical worldview.
4Essay: BillBill is a young professional who comes to you for help. He earns a very good salary (+$100,000) leading a team of salesmen, but he is unhappy in his job and has difficulty finding contentment at work. There is a high degree of competitiveness between his employees, and often his team seems to work against each other competing for their commissions. He comes to you for help on how to be a better leader and find happiness in his work.

How would you apply the principles covered in the course to help Bill?   Describe in detail your recommended action plan for the presenting issue. What motivating factors should drive the change process for your client? What challenges should the client anticipate moving forward, and what realistic expectations should be developed? What is your plan for coaching your client through the process of change?  

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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