Leadership Concepts

Question 1

The first step in identifying leadership issues is to explore organizational leadership concepts and the key factors that influence it.

In a minimum of two pages, please do the following:

Describe the concept of leadership. What elements do you think are most important, and why?

Compare the approaches to organizational leadership. If you had to choose between contemporary and traditional leadership, which one would it be and why?

Explain the impact of culture in relation to organizational leadership. Provide an example.

Include an APA formatted title page and reference page to document your sources.


Question 2 

Write a 1,400-1,750-word paper in which you research and identify past, present, and future trends pertaining to the development and operation of institutional and community based human services.

Identify and explain current and future issues facing correctional and court administrators in addressing and managing potential human service needs. At minimum, your paper should identify issues of age, gender, and mental health.

Format your resources consistent with APA guidelines.

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