Law and Ethics in Healthcare

Applied Law & Ethics in Healthcare Final : Written Research Analysis and Synthesis Final Assignment:
You have a choice of topics for your Final; Identify the legal and ethical debates around Stem Cell Research or Women’s Reproductive Rights for this Final assignment. Choose one only. Make sure to expand and take a deeper dive into any of your prior work on these topics.
You also have a choice of format for your Final submission. If you chose a written paper there is a MINIMUM of three pages, maximum of 5, excluding works cited and title page etc.(so approx. 7 pages total) OR you may choose to create a Narrated 15 slide Powerpoint presentation (to include 1 intro slide and 1 reference/citation slide ). If you chose the narrated slides please make sure the presentation works and can be heard so you don’t lose any points, slides must be narrated in order to get a grade).
This Final is 25% of your overall grade for the course

  1. Conduct an extensive review (between 2010-present) to identify and compare the legal and ethical debates around Stem Cell Research or the legal and ethical debates around Women’s Reproductive Rights in the U.S.
  2. Compare and contrast the laws, theories and concepts relating to your chosen topic. Include at least one court decision and applicable official piece of legislation.
    How to Start: Create Your Topic: Formulate a Current review of the research (2010 to present) and your explanation of your findings with the laws, theories, ethical debates and concepts relating to your chosen topic.
    Then: Your Process: Students will identify and critically evaluate current healthcare law literature to provide a thoughtfully written individual investigation related to the laws, theories, ethical debates and concepts relating to their chosen topic.
    Your desired Outcome: A well researched review and formulated Final submission identifying and explaining the laws, theories, ethical debates and outstanding concepts relating to their chosen topic
    Evaluation: Students will be evaluated based on the analysis and synthesis of their research for the assignment.
    Assignment Details:
    A. The Map to your Success (50%); Make sure to…….
    • Identify your topics and hook your reader by explaining the importance (10%)
    • Explain how you conducted your research on the subject (10%)
    • Explain why you selected the Healthcare Law and Ethical topic that you found appealing (10%)
    • Analyze your topic and it’s impact on the US Healthcare system on legal and ethical terms (10%) YOU MUST CITE AT LEAST ONE COURT DECISION AND ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION in your body content.
    • Explain the differences with this healthcare topic than others that you identified and draw from your resources (10%)

B. This is the Question you need to Answer (50%): What are the laws, theories, ethical debates and concepts relating to your topic:
o in the US HC system (10%)
o explain how the concepts and services in your topics system differ from other issues in the US system? (10%)
• Please make sure that you use your sources to support your arguments (10%) YOU MUST CITE AT LEAST ONE COURT DECISION AND ONE PIECE OF LEGISLATION in your body content.
• Use APA Formatting in the paper (10%)
o Ensure that you include proper references
o Demonstrate use of in-text citations without exceeding 25-30% SafeAssign)
• Please ensure that your spelling, grammar, and mechanics are clear, direct, and understandable (10%)

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