•For information on one international labor movement “UNI Global Union,” go to the following website: http://www.uniglobalunion.org/
•Check out a group called “United for a Fair Economy” and read about their ongoing projects to counteract economic inequalities at: http://www.faireconomy.org/issues
•Check out the “Center for Economic and Social Justice” website: http://www.cesj.org/thirdway/economicjustice-defined.htm for more information on economic and social justice.
Once you complete a review of these links, you will complete the worksheet below. This worksheet contains the following short-answer questions:
UNI Global Union
1.Which sectors does this union cover?
2.What are the four regions covered by the union?
3.What are some of the topics covered in the publications on this site?
4.What are the pros and cons of using this site?
United for a Fair Economy
1.What are the five major issues listed on this site?
2.What are the three topics covered on this site?
3.What are some of the learning tools provided at this site?
4.What are the pros and cons of using this site?
Center for Economic and Social Justice
1.What are some of the goals listed on their strategic plan?
2.What are some of the learning tools provided to you on this site?
3.What are some of the resources listed on this site?
4.What are the pros and cons of using this site?
•Record your response on the template provided.
•Be sure to fully answer each question as stated on the template.
•Your response should be five to seven sentences per question.
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