Martha Sandweiss tells us that Clarence King was “an acclaimed public figure” written about widely during his lifetime (Sandweiss, 3). Let’s use some of the available newspaper databases to find and analyze primary sources about King, in order to explain how those sources from the time of his life reflect some of the main interpretations about King that Sandweiss provides in her book. The articles can address any aspect of his life and work. As we know, we can expect there will be no articles that mention Ada Copeland Todd or her marriage with King, so it’s most likely that this assignment focuses on the public face of a very public, very famous person.
In your written analysis of 1-2 pages, cover each of the following factors:
- Clearly cite the article. In the written work, provide a proper bibliography citation using Chicago Style, either in the footnote or bibliography at the end.
- What significant details and/or perspectives does the article offer about King or events, places, and people described in Passing Strange?
- How does this article reflect or contradict the information and interpretations presented by Sandweiss in her book? (Provide specific examples from both her book and the news article.)
Using any of the following linked newspaper databases , search for any newspaper addressing Clarence King, either his personal life or professional activities. Enter a keyword(s), and limit the results to relevant dates of his life and professional practice.
Chronicling America, a collection of historical newspapers compiled by the Library of Congress. We’ve used this earlier in the semester. Search by selected keyword(s), and you might want to limit the articles to those published during his life (or shortly after his death in 1901).
Oboler Library newspaper databases. Use this page from Oboler Library to find a relevant newspaper article for this assignment. Scroll down to the section on Newspapers. “Access Newspaper Archive,” “America’s News,” and “News Bank Info Web” are likely the best databases to use for our class projects. You will need to log in with your Bengal ID to use these from off campus. Make sure to limit your results to relevant years. The link to “News Bank Info Web” provides access to the Idaho Statesman in Boise, if that’s of interest to you.
Utah Digital Newspapers. This is accessible from the University of Utah Marriott Library. It allows you to search a wide range of Utah newspapers.
Pocatello Tribune. This is a project of the Marshall Public Library. It gives access to Pocatello newspapers beginning in 1895, so it covers only the last few years of his life.
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