Issue Analysis Essay

Issue Analysis Essay
Find a complicated and contentious current moral or ethics issue, one about which you hold some strong beliefs. Here are some examples:

Should there be a change in gun control laws?
Should marijuana be legalized nationwide?
Is the #metoo movement a signal for some kind of societal change?
Should there be an immigration ban on Muslim countries?

Work on trying to find some topics that resonate with you, your family or your community (don’t just use what I mentioned here). Best media to explore could be newpaper opinion (Op Ed) pages, news stories on political or social issues, conservative or liberal talk radio (Lars Larsen from Tillamook OR), special interest organizations (American Civil Liberties Union, National Rifle Association, John Birch Society, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, to name a few).

You’ll provide an overview of the issue, including summaries of historical information, current status, setting and the stakeholders. Then you’ll provide an analysis of the controversy by employing all the ethical lenses (CLASSICAL LIBERALISM, COMMUNITARIANISM, VIRTUE ETHICS, FEMINIST ETHICS, UTILITARIANISM, DEONTOLOGICAL ETHICS, FREE MARKET ETHICS). Finally, you’ll argue for the most appropriate ethical lens by which the issue should be understood and acted upon.

Here’s a very basic outline to help you begin:

Introduce the topic, provide background and overview (about 1-2 pages)
Analyze the major arguments (about 1-2 pages)
Explain how the topic is viewed through each ethical lens (about 2-3 pages)
Conclude with your opinion of which is the most appropriate ethical lens to view the controversy (about 1 page)
NOTE: Most of your intellectual efforts should be put into the ethical lens analysis (last two bullets)

Research, Sources &Format
In order to fully understand your topic, you’ll need to do some research and incorporate outside information. Please take time to work with MHCC librarians so you get the best, most useful information possible. Also, Wikipedia should NEVER wind up on your Works Cited page (although it’s a great place to start to get an overview of your topic.)

Your essay should have a minimum of three cited sources. Use the CRAAP test to evaluate your sources CRAAP (Opens in new window)

Please use MLA page format for layout, in-text citations and works cited page. Download this pre-formatted template to use as a model for your document. Follow this link for help and details on page formatting, in-text citations and other MLA stuff. MLA Citation (Opens in new window)

Essays should be minimum 1500 words.

Overview of all Steps
The best essays are developed as a process, so we’ll complete ours in increments. You’ll begin by posting a topic, then sources, then a rough draft before turning in the final essay at the end of the term. I will provide feeback for each step so you’ll know you’re on the right track.

1 Week 3: Post Topic
Select two topic choices. Describe why these topics are of specific interest to you. Describe how you came about selecting these topics. Discuss how your approach and analyses of these topics will be different and unique from anyone else’s perspectives.

2 Week 5: Sources
Describe why you choose these particular sources of information: How did you find them (what kind of Google search key words did you use? What made you think of using these sources? How difficult or easy were they to find?) Do you believe they represent impartial or biased viewpoints? If impartial, why so? If you believe they present a biased spin, why so? What kinds of questions, questionable facts and stories come to you when reviewing these sources? How can you validate (find out the truth) of the matters involved?

3 Week 7: Rough Draft
Review the final product requirements (listed above). As best as you can to this date, prepare an initial outline and text material you believe will fulfil the final product requirements. You’ll receive feedback on your approach and suggested ways to improve your final product.

Turn the page to submit your draft in the dropbox. Dropbox link opens a week before the rough draft is due.

4 Week 10: Submit Final Essay
Review the feedback you received on your initial draft from week 7. Incorporate any updates and changes into your final draft. Make sure you’ve also included your works cited page with your final draft.

Final essay is due Friday of Week 10 at midnight. Look for the dropbox in this content area. It opens one week before the essay is due.

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