Intrinsic Motivation

When it comes to motivation from the article written by Brafford and Ryan you must focus on the 3 ways to motivate your team, The three stated are relatedness, competence, and autonomy can bring out an employee that can strive in their work environment. That takes someone validating what you have to say, having the opportunity to showcase your skills to your coworkers, and getting the full explanation when given a task. Whereas, in the past I’ve only experienced gaslighting, no self-development, and no explanation last-minute projects. I’ve seen many of my coworkers leave due to poor management. In the near future wither that takes me becoming an employee keeping me long term with the key factors to motivate me will have me employed longer term. However, after reading this short article it is something to keep in mind when becoming a leader climbing up the corporate ladder.

While running the research study Ambile in 1997, the information given is still connected to what everyone experiences while working at an organization is that it helps to have good management to obtain better results if not then we as employees fall into unprotective work environments. Whereas when employers decide that it is time to start letting employees go leads to unmotivated and loyal employees. Overall, you should find a place of employment that you enjoy working with to grow your long-term career. Within organizations they are always trying to look for new employees that have a passion for the career they are leading. Which leads me to believe that when looking for any employment you love what you do, if not your life will be slowing leading moving to the next career path.

This week’s reading as well as the discussion in class focused heavily on how intrinsic motivation is the single most important driver behind employee productivity. Regardless of the amount of money a role pays, what status a title provides, or any other extrinsic motivations that are fulfilled by a job, an employee will never live up to their full potential if they do not find meaning in their work.
The article 3 Ways to Motivate Your Team Through an Extended Crisis listed the primary psychological needs to foster this intrinsic motivation as relatedness, competence, and autonomy. Facilitating relatedness essentially requires a manager to view their employees as people, as opposed to a number or disposable assets. When employees feel valued and like their organization cares about them, they in turn care about their organization. I have heard phrases like “This company doesn’t care about me, so why should I care about [fill in the blank task]” from peers in the past. I’ve honestly felt that way myself before. If I as an employee can’t see what value I bring to my work, it feels like I can be easily replaced, which, contrary to the beliefs of some managers, does not incentivize doing the best job. The second psychological need was competence, which ties in well with seeing what value you bring. When there are opportunities to display a skill, you feel like you are making a real contribution, rather than simply filling a spot. And lastly, autonomy drives a self-starter mentality and encourages creativity. Employees who feel like they don’t have to wait to follow an order can in turn bring valuable ideas and innovative processes into their work and inspire others on the team.
I’d mentioned in class that automation in the workplace can be received in different ways, depending on how an individual views it. One can either see the value and excited about the opportunity to automate a process to in turn shift focus towards other areas, or feel threatened that the need for their role is at risk. I believe fostering these psychological needs can contribute to an employee feeling valued and thus not threatened when a new process for automation in their work is introduced.

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