Intercultural Competence Issues

Task: Submit a 15pp coursework dossier in English, entitled Intercultural Competence Issues.

Choose three titles from the list below and write an essay on each. Approximate length for each essay is 5pp.

Make specific reference to content and terminologies considered in the module in addition to your reading and personal research outwith the module. Cite examples as appropriate.

Present definitions, arguments and perspectives which signify the value of intercultural competence.

Consider verbal and non-verbal communication within the context of cultural value systems.

Discuss the phenomenon of ‘culture shock’ with reference to the tourist, sojourner and expatriate experience.

Discuss HR management strategies in support of Western personnel conducting business in China.

Discuss challenges for asylum seekers, migrants, refugees and their new host societies.

“Global Business Speaks English”: discuss pro & contra for the adoption of an English corporate language strategy by multinational companies.

Employing effective ‘soft skills’ for managing international business communication across cultures. Discuss.

Style Notes:

Use Harvard Referencing Style for quotations and references.
All sources must be in English.

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