Project / presentation due as scheduled; paper due one week later
Integration and dissemination (15 points, 10 points for presentation and 5 points individual paper): To promote your ability to discuss course content in small and large group contexts and with an applied focus, you will work in small groups to identify and address a topic of interest within early childhood development. The primary goal of this assignment is to integrate research, theory, and suggested practice with respect to a particular topic and intended for an audience of your choosing. All projects should:
- Provide a clear focus of a particular issue within early childhood education and development• Provide an explanation of primary theory and research around the topic. Introduce at least five relevant vocabulary words to deepen this framework.
- Ground the topic within cultural, contextual, and individual variations
- Link your application to specific stakeholders representing multiple perspectives
Students may determine the focus of the integration project and the dissemination method and venue that they think is most suitable for their goals (e.g., blog entry, workshop, pamphlet, poster, video, interactive game) and incorporate that rationale into their group presentation. Students will be provided limited opportunities within class to work with group members, but may likely need to meet/collaborate outside of class as well in order to finalize their presentation. The presentation should be 15 minutes, inclusive of discussion or activities.
Report will be submitted as a 1-2 page(double space 12 points times new roman) paper outlining the import of the topic, rationale for the intervention/application and dissemination format, and reflections on the presentation including responses to peer review and/or the collaborative process. This paper may be presented as a series of responses or bullets and is due 1 week after the group presentation.
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