Initial Perception

Question 1

Congratulations! You’ve been asked to prepare a short presentation for one of the company’s Brown Bag Lunch training events.

Choose one of the following articles to present to the attendees. After reading the article, prepare a set of talking points / speaker notes (one page) which highlight key information about the article and why Padgett-Beale employees should “care” about the topic.

1. Selecting the Right Cloud Operating Model: Privacy and Data Security in the Cloud

2. How to get the most from a managed IT services provider

3. Shadow IT: Mitigating Security Risks

Question 2

Explain the argument and how it is supposed to prove god’s existence, using examples to demonstrate the principles/premises when needed. The. Criticise the argument and point out where it might fail as aproof using counter examples

Question 3

1. What was your understanding of multiple personality disorder (now known as dissociative identity disorder) prior to watching this video.

2) How consistent (or not) was your initial perception of the disorder to that discussed in the video compared to after watching the video? What surprised you?

3) Now that you’ve seen the video, how would you describe DID? How good (or poor) of a job does popular media do in portraying DID on TV and movies?



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